Historic Posters
College of Engineering Trivandrum 1994-1996
I got my first PC (a 386 40Mhz) in 1994 and shortly thereafter a (Wipro-Epson Dot-matrix) printer. This obviously was reason enough to stop drawing any more posters for college occasions. The PC got damaged after I left for my job in 1996. Luckily, I still have a CD-R backup of its Hard-disc from which these GIF images are made.
Here is a cross section of the posters from 1994-1996 to tickle your memory. Have fun...
Cricket Tournament This poster commemorates the victory of Electronics over Mechs in the S5 Cricket tournament. Takes a dig on the "Royalness" of the Mechs. If I remember right, the idea for this poster comes from Jose Chandy and/or Anil Rajan (Panji) | |
Class Tour It was obligatory for each tour team to make a poster to compete the other. This one happens to be from the computer Science S7 Tour. I remember that this poster got some rather crude comments from our Electronics friends ;-) | |
The Parakkott Lodge tour Dennis had to be different and decided to go the S4 tour with his hostel mates. Obviously, he had to make a poster too... . I remember that the "666" was Dennis's own wonderful idea. And he sure did want the prominent brandy bottles too... | |
College Day This was the poster for the 1995 College Day. And this was the design for the badge. | |
College Magazine This was a draft cover design for the 1996 College Magazine with Arun George as Editor. Unfortunately, I was out of college by the time the magazine came out. So I just don't know if this was ever used. | |
College Band During S5, few of us got together to form a college band. Everything was in place except a band name. We got together and practiced for a few days at Praveen Mani's and Nirmal's house. Off we went to play on an Asianet competition... and sure we had our few minutes of glory on TV ;-). I was on the keyboard playing "Walk of Life..."... Argh-Horror!. Two years later and it was time to play for Final Years day and we had no Keyboardist | |
College Election An year was never complete without the College Union Elections. I made this for our Good Ol' Mammaji who stood for the election... And sure he did win :-) | |
Association Nights Every branch had it's "night" and off course the puny computers also :-). This is the poster from when Binny was the Association Secretary. | |
Mex Day Every other branch had a "night", but the Mex had a "day" complete with a stage and everything else. And there was even a Mex TV -- The slogan ressembles an MTV slogan of 1995. I am not to blame for these two posters, its none other than Mujib M.K | |
Pre-Final Years Day The final years had a "Final Years Day". Not to be left behind, the S5 had to have a "Pre-Final Day". If I remember, this was exactly on the day Windows-95 was released (Aug-24-1995 ?) | |
Jesus Youth And off course there was them... | |
Film Festivals Every year we had atleast 2 film festivals. I can't even remember which group organised this one | |
Campus Interview Wipro Global R&D was first on campus and selected 4 people. And off course, I did not qualify ;-). Five years later, I can't help to notice that not even one still works for that company ;-). Note the Whiskey bottle and the lettering... It rhymes with "Ganni". Coincidence, Eh? ;-) | |
Its a Century Our batch was the first in the college to place more than 100 people. And off course, the CGPU (Career Guidance & Placement Unit) Representative (Jose Chandy?) had to make a "noise" about it :-) | |
Final Year Project This was the opening page of the report by Ganesh, Dennis, Kichu & Thomachen. This text being by Ganesh | |
Final Year Seminar That time we never had Power-point to make slides. This slide was most probably made for "Vakkil" Manoj | |
Four Summers in CET This was the design for a final T-shirt. Did we ever make it? ... I don't know | |
Page by Thomas P John